May 28, 2005
A good presentation. He is marketing India very well outside India. !
Check this link, ---->>
find the snip of the link as below
26-05-2005 : Zurith
Technology and National Development
I am delighted to address the members of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich) at Zurich which is one of the world's leading institutions in technology. I greet the President and the Faculty members of ETH and also the Students and the distinguished guests. I congratulate ETH, while it is celebrating its 150th year.
Switzerland and India in Science
When I see your technological performance, I admire you for your sustained excellence for more than one and a half centuries, taking the challenges of the ups and downs in the world. (Tribute to famous scientists of Swiss, particularly Einstein) Particularly, it is inspiring to know that Switzerland had excelled in many scientific, technological and other fields. Switzerland is the home to some of the world famous scientists and Nobel Laureates. The role played by Switzerland and its scientists in shaping today's world of science and technology will make any citizen of Switzerland proud. It is clearly evident from the fact that 28 Nobel Laureates have been from
Switzerland and it had also attracted many other Nobel Laureates to come from other countries to work in Switzerland.
Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bangalore, is one institution in our country India, which was established in 1909, which has a proud history of sustained excellence. IISc awards around 220 research conferment every year. IISc's alumni occupy very senior positions in many academic institutions world over. Sir CV Raman, a Nobel Laureate in Physics, Homi Bhaba, the father of the India's Nuclear Science programme, Prof. Vikram Sarabhai the father of Indian Space research programme have all been associated with Indian
Institute of Science. Prof. CNR Rao, a world renowned Chemist, who is making waves in the nano sciences currently is also a Professor at IISc. Prof K.R. Sreenivasan, an alumni of the Indian Institute of Science currently heads the International Centre For Theoretical Physics (ICTP) at Trieste, Italy.
India had also had her own share of excellent scientists of world repute even during the period of subjugation under the British rule for more than two centuries. I would like to recall the contributions of five of our scientists - two of them Nobel Laureates and another, a celebrated FRS. Their life, achievements and contributions with minimum of laboratory facilities and with very limited access to latest information are a saga on what dedication can achieve.
Scientific Scene in Pre-independent India
In India, science and technology took a two-phase
progress with the momentum created in 1930s, by the great scientists of international repute. They gave the country the confidence. We remember the pioneering contributions to science made by Chandrasekhar Subramaniam for his Chandrasekhar limit and black hole, Sir CV Raman for his discovery of the 'Raman effect', Srinivasa Ramanujan for his contributions towards number theory, JC Bose in the area of microwaves, S.N. Bose, famous for Bose-Einstein statistics and Meghnad Saha for 'Thermo-Ionization Equation'. This phase, I consider the glorious phase of Indian science. The scientific foundation laid by them triggered the later generations. The unique similarities of all these scientists are the one that they had dedicated their entire life for the cause of scientific research and the spirit of inquiry for the fields that they have chosen amidst all the hurdles and problems in their life. Science always gives life time missions to the scientists, and then only success comes. It is a question of dedication, commitment and understanding and also the environment for research in science, which gives birth to the scientists for the nation. They inspired many later generation scientists including GN Ramachandran, the originator of triple-helix.
Let me now discuss on how India had built the S&T base and drew the road map leading to national development using science and technologies particularly in the field of defence, space and atomic energy in the post independent era. The science and technology had also fed critical inputs to reaching self-sufficiency in food through the Green Revolution and milk production through the White revolution.
The post-independence phase of Indian science and technology
All of you know, in history, any country revolves itself initially around a few stout and earnest knowledge giants.
Particularly I took interest to study lives of three scientists, as I was interested in their scientific technological leadership qualities that focused the relationship of S&T and development of the nation. In the history of India, there may be many but I was very close to these three great personalities for one reason or the other. They are founders of three great institutions. I worked in two of the institutions directly and one in partnership. Dr DS Kothari, a Professor in Delhi University was an outstanding Physicist and also an Astrophysicist. He is well known for ionization of matter by pressure in cold compact objects like planets. This theory is complementary to thermal ionization work done by Dr Meghnad Saha his guru. Dr DS Kothari set a scientific tradition in Indian defence tasks when he became Scientific Adviser to Defence Minister in 1948; He created a Board of Advisors to the Scientific Advisor consisting of Dr. H.J. Bhaba, Dr. K.S. Krishnan and Dr. S.S. Bhatnagar. Later the Board was renamed as Scientific Advisory Board with enlarged membership.
He established the Defence Science Centre to do research in electronic material, nuclear medicine and ballistic science. He is considered as the architect of defence science in India. His race continued and followed up with momentum working and contributing in the areas of strategic systems, electronic warfare systems, armaments and life sciences.
Pioneer in Indian Nuclear science
Now, let me discuss about Homi Jehangir Bhabha . He did research in theoretical physics in Cambridge University. During 1930-1939, Homi Bhabha carried out research relating to cosmic radiation. In 1939, he joined Sir CV Raman in IISc Bangalore. Later, he was asked to start the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research with focus on nuclear science, mathematical science and established Atomic Energy
Commission in 1948. Multi centers were born with his vision in nuclear science to nuclear technology, nuclear power, nuclear devices and nuclear medicine. These science institutions established multi technological centers with basic science as a vital component.
Indian Space Visionary
Prof Vikram Sarabhai, the youngest of the three, worked with Sir CV Raman in experimental cosmic ray research. Prof Sarabhai established Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) Ahmedabad with Space research as focus. PRL was the cradle of Indian Space Programme. Prof Vikram Sarabhai unfurled the space mission for India in 1970 that we should build
Satellite Launch Vehicle capability, to put our communication satellites in the geo-synchronous orbit and remote sensing satellites in the polar orbit. Also, he envisaged that launch vehicles built in India should be launched from Indian soil. This one visionary thought led to intensive research and development in multiple fields of science and space technology. Many of us had the fortune to be part of Prof. Vikram Sarabhai's vision. My team and myself participated in India's first satellite launch vehicle programme to put the satellite in the orbit. Today, India with her 20,000 scientific, technological and support staff in multiple space research centres, supported by about 300 industries and academic institutions, has the capability to build any type of satellite
launch vehicle to place remote sensing, communication and meteorology satellites in different orbits and space application has become part of our daily life. When I am with you I thought of sharing the India?s status in S&T, so that Switzerland and India can become partners in specific areas such as Nano Science and Nano Technology, Nuclear Research particularly applied to Energy, High energy physics and advanced computing.
ETH in the knowledge economy
When I look at the website of your great institute, I find that you work in the four important knowledge areas of the future.
1. Information science
2. Life science
3. Shaping of city and landscape -- living and cultural space in an increasingly urban and globalized world - ENVIORNMENT
4. Energy
You work with the commitment of Global approach with national roots much the same way the Indian knowledge economy is aiming to become ? Manufacture locally, Market Globally. With your all around excellence in computer assisted modeling and simulation, complex re-engineering, design and re-engineering, ETH have become the driving force behind the economic growth and industrialization of Switzerland in the knowledge economy.
Road map for Developed India
We in India have placed emphasis on science and technology to become a vehicle for national development. Using our vast S&T base as a foundation, we have a vision of transforming India into a developed nation by the year 2020. To achieve the vision of developed India, we have to simultaneously progress five areas where India has core
competence for integrated action: (1) Agriculture and food processing (2) Education and Healthcare (3) Information and Communication Technology (4) Infrastructure including Electric power, Networking of rivers,
Providing Urban amenities in Rural Areas (PURA) (5) Self reliance in identified critical technologies. These five areas are closely inter-related and if progressed in a mission mode will lead to food security, economic prosperity, social welfare and national security.
The Mission of PURA (Providing Urban amenities in Rural Areas)
The number of PURA units for the whole country is estimated to be 7000. This envisages integrated connectivities to bring prosperity to rural India. These are - physical connectivity of the village clusters through quality roads and transport; electronic connectivity through tele-communication with high bandwidth fiber optic cables reaching the rural areas from urban cities and through Internet kiosks; and knowledge connectivity through education, vocational training
for farmers, artisans and craftsmen and entrepreneurship programmes. These three connectives will lead to economic connectivity through starting of enterprises with the help of banks, micro credits and marketing of the products. Each PURA cluster will connect about 20 -30 villages depending upon the region and population and will cost about twenty million dollars. This is a viable and sustainable business proposition. After initial short-term employment during construction etc., we have to plan for initiating actions for providing regular employment and self employment opportunities in nationally competitive small enterprises in agro processing, manufacturing and services sectors for about 3000 people. If the industrial/business parks are marketed well, they can generate employment opportunities in support and services sector for about 10000 people. This will provide sustainable economy for the rural sector. In this national mission, bankers can promote entrepreneurship in the rural areas. This will lead to the removal of urban-rural divide.
PURA as an Enterprise
A large number of banks have entrepreneurial development programmes. Banks have also been funding Small Scale Industries of different types in various regions. The small scale industrialist is a promising candidate for becoming the chief executive for managing the PURA
complexes in an integrated way. PURA enterprises can also undertake management of schools, health care units, vocational training centres, chilling plants, silos and building a market, banking system and the regional business or industrial units. A new mission mode management style has to emerge for PURA enterprises. It should not be looking for protective legislations to support them. Rather they should be efficient to compete with others. This new PURA enterprise needs partnership from the bank, from the Government and also from the private entrepreneurs. The PURA model can be used in many developing countries and also developed countries in enriching human life.
Growth focus in the ICT Sector
In the last decade, the software industry had become one of the backbones of the economic development in India. Today the software industry in India is nearly 28 billion dollars ($18 Billion Export and $10 Billion Domestic Market) contributing to nearly 24% of nation's exports. This is through IT Services and ITES-BPO Sector, which accounts for around 3.5% of the global market. India?s core competence is in the area of IT services, IT Enabled Services (ITES) - Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO). The world business volume in these two sectors alone accounts for $ 850 billion. India plans to have a minimum of 15% of the Global business volume. The market share of the Indian Software industry in IT Services, ITES, and
BPO is projected to be around 200 billion dollars by 2008.
Our university system is contributing over 3 million graduates every year. This is a vital resource needed for growth in the IT Services, ITES and BPO. India aims at increasing the knowledge pool to 5 million youth by the year 2008, which will enhance the existing efficiency by a factor of two.
Indian technologies
When I addressed the nation during the Technology day, 2004, I took it upon my self to bring to the notice of public, some of the challenges in technology that India successfully overcame. For brevity, I have discussed seven technological achievements which have the potential to penetrate into our economy and assist the transformation of our society. Some of them are: Electricity Generation from Municipal Waste; A Brand in Automobile Technology; Fast Breeder Reactor and Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) crossing the Sonic Barrier.
Electricity Generation from Municipal Waste
Increased urbanization, have led to a serious problem of accumulation of municipal solid waste. Efficient and environmentally clean disposal of garbage has always been a major technological challenge. While being a threat to the environment, mounting garbage is also a rich source of energy. The potential for converting this waste into useable energy, which will eliminate a major source of urban pollution, was realized by one of our innovative organizations- Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council of Department of Science and Technology which helped in developing a completely indigenous solution for the processing of waste into a source of fuel. This fuel could, in turn, be used for generation of electricity through mini plants. Two entrepreneurs in Andhra Pradesh adopted the technology with refinement and established two independent plants in Hyderabad and Vijayawada generating over 12 megawatts of electricity, which is being supplied to the State Grid.
A Brand in Automobile Technology
It was the dream of our nation, to have a car designed, developed and manufactured by us, being driven in the roads of world capitals. But for many years, we have been producing automobiles using imported technologies or under licensed manufacture. Now a new situation has emerged for the last 3 years in the country with the industrial commitment of TATA Engineers, workers, managers and partner industries who have made a seminal national contribution in the form of a car 'Indica', a brand of automobile technology. It has not only attracted the Indian car lovers but it has got a demand in the western market too. For the first time, in Indian technological history a four-wheeler automobile has been designed,
developed, manufactured and exported. This Indian export will pave the way for Indian automobile industry to become internationally competitive and give birth to a multinational business.
Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR)
When I think of energy security through non-conventional sources in the country, I am reminded of Dr. Homi Jahangir Bhabha, who gave a vision of three-phase programme of nuclear power to ensure energy security. The first phase of this programme led to the maturity in building pressurized heavy water reactors in the country. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai was the visionary, who recognized early in the 1970?s, the need for developing Fast Breeder Reactor, which can achieve a power capacity of five hundred thousand mega watts. The Fast Breeder Reactor generates more nuclear fuel than it consumes due to gainful conversion of fertile isotopes like U238 and Th232 into Pu239 and U233 respectively. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai also understood the complexity of FBRs and drew a road map for inter disciplinary research in reactor engineering, materials, chemistry, reprocessing safety, instrumentation and other allied disciplines at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research. The experiences in construction, commissioning and satisfactory operation of the Fast Breeder Test Reactor have demonstrated the mastering of the multi-disciplinary technology for energy production. It has also created a pool of specialists in various disciplines related to complex technology of fast breeder reactor.
With this experience, a Fast Breeder Reactor of 500 MW capacity has been designed and structural integrity demonstrated using a simulation model. A pilot plant scale reprocessing facility has also been commissioned and reprocessing of FBTR fuel has commenced successfully. Two peer expert groups have reviewed the final design of FBR 500. This has provided a proof of Indian design capability. Based on this confidence a project has been sanctioned to the Department of Atomic Energy for setting up of the first FBR by a newly formed company called Bhavini at a cost of Rs. 3500 crores by 2010.
Light Combat Aircraft
India has designed and developed Light Combat Aircraft.
The three LCA aircraft are now flying. The have crossed the sonic barrier and have been flying at supersonic speeds. Light Combat Aircraft named as TEJAS will go to user soon. TEJAS is the smallest lightweight aircraft, highly maneuverable with maximum composite structure; with low radar cross section area and above all it will be globally competitive. How did we achieve this? We formed the national teams for composite wings and for the flight control systems. With time bound mission mode project management system, experts drawn from multiple organizations positioned as one single development team, we have achieved a remarkable development success.
Science is universal
With the advances in Information technology, the world has shrunk to be a global village and networking of scientists is necessary to solve complex real world problems. In the fourth century BC, India was a preferred destination for more than 64 countries for learning and research in science and philosophy. But today the scientist movement in India is from east to west. Of late, we have started seeing the trend of visits by scientists from the developed nations to India. This of course is the recognition of the caliber of the Indian scientists and some of the state-of-the-art facilities that we have created. Besides world class equipments in many areas of science, we have also felt a national initiative in building some of the finest super computers. The country's scientists have also been sensitive to the changes that have been taking place in the area of networking and hence have been focusing on renewed and intense research and development efforts in the area of cluster computing and Grid computing. In the top 500 super computers in the world, India had started to have a few new entries.
India has built several clusters in the university
environment and in the research laboratories. These computers have computing power comparable to those available in the best of the US universities. These have become added attractions for scientists from the west to come and collaborate with their counterparts in India.
India's Grid computing initiative has made a modest beginning with several of the computer centres in the country being connected by a 100 mbps link which will soon be upgraded to gigabit connectivity. The universities in India have developed high quality middleware and application software for the Grid. The Software is indeed the core-competence of our nation.
While I congratulate the students of ETH, Zurich, I would really wish that all of you to promote the connectivity for close collaboration between ETH and the Indian R&D Labs and Universities. The world's problems are so complex. Hence it needs sincere and dedicated collaborations to make science economically viable and intellectually challenging. Let us work together to make this world a better place to live.
I would like to share with you my experience in meeting with students from all over the world, after becoming the President of India. So far, I have met with more than 600,000 students. I find that the dreams of the students are the same irrespective which country they belong to. All the students want to lead a peaceful, happy, prosperous and safe life. The tradition of Switzerland is to maintain its very strong neutrality and peace loving nature. It is indeed the world's role model and fits the dream of the students of the world. India with her civilizational heritage is a natural partner for Switzerland, to further the cause of the mankind. It is inspiring to know that ETH is reaching out to the secondary schools, general public, political, economic and scientific circles and its own community and other stake holders to showcase the S&T that formed an integral part of ETH in its sesquicentennial year. I congratulate once again the students and the faculty of ETH and I wish you that your institute continues to grow and maintain your preeminence in the world of science and technology for many centuries to come.
My best wishes.
May 23, 2005
College life -IV
Usualy when we use umbrella ?....either when it is raining n we are out or if it is too sunny ..have you heard any one holding umbrella inside bus..yeah we did…it was during my third year of graduation and I rem it was month of august when we planned to go to to tour i.e college tour for some 5 days …our plan was first go to coimbatore- ooty-mysore-bangalore…we arranged private bus from ooty to mysore..but due to some uncertain reason ..dont know was it was...the schedule was changed n we were forced to travel in public transport from ooty to we were lagging the scheduld plan we took the immediate public transportation without considering about the infrature of the bus..there was no audio system in one of my classmate was holding the taperecorder in the middle of the bus…things was going fine…suddently it started raining..n yeh kya..water is coming inside bus…no other go we were in middle of journey ..used umbrella inside was the time when simran first movie released…simran with surya..hence can hear that movie song ( I am not getting that movie song..if I get wil upate)…This tour was good compaired to final year tour ..... College Life -V <-> College Life -III Previous->> |
Pressure, depression mark educational scenario
What was a happy and normal home till the other day has become a place where students dread talking to their parents.
Depression, dejection, emotional breakdown are the result of post-Plus Two results' scenario as parents and their children approaching professional counsellors for help.
Though students felt that they had secured good marks parents did not think so. As parents attached more importance to cut-off marks for professional courses, happiness of passing Plus Two was totally cut off in several homes.
Ever since the results came out on Wednesday, nearly 35 families contacted `Top Kids' counselling centre here seeking counselling and advice. In several cases, it was parents who felt more disappointed than students themselves.
"There were cases where a father said he was not willing to talk to his son though he scored 1,013 marks. He did not congratulate or give sweet to his son. That puts more stress on the student and leads to dangerous consequences," says Dheep, consultant psychiatrist at Apollo Speciality Hospitals and founder of Top Kids .
In some cases, it was mothers who became emotional at the marks though they were good.
In some other cases, fathers deplored over the quantum of money spent on tuitions.
According to Dr. Dheep, the problem begins with high and unrealistic expectations of parents. They think that a seat in engineering or medical college only is the ultimate achievement.
"In some cases, students are scared to go home. Parents must know the capacity of their children and acknowledge them when they get reasonable marks," he says.
Some calls from students gave shock to the doctors as they were made from public telephone booths. They refused to give their house telephone number fearing parents. "Such an attitude on the part of parents is not good," he says and urges parents to be appreciative during the sensitive post-result period.
In three cases, students showed suicidal tendency due to excess reaction from parents in the last few days. Urgent calls for help came from places like Tirunelveli, Nagercoil, Dindigul, and Kanyakumari.
Dr. Dheep says parents and students could go for counselling to tackle the situation and that is the best outlet.
"With the SSLC results expected in the next few days, the mood is going to be tough in many homes and it is up to parents to remain cool,'' he says adding that marks do matter but it is not everything in life as there are many courses to choose from.src:The hindu
Ingeneral parents expect more from their children..will this be the case when our turn comes. ???
May 22, 2005
School days Pledge !!!!!!!........
Asatho Maa Sad Gamaya
Thamaso Maa Jyothir Gamaya
Mrithyor Maa Amritham Gamaya
( Lead me from untruth to truth;
Lead me from darkness to light;
Lead me from death to immortality.
This is what we used to say sharp 9am about several years before..
i stil rem the words from the school leader ..SCHOOL ATTENTION ..SChOOL dismiss !...
ringing of school bell after every 45 mins,pani puri...walking in Q from class to prayer ground...saturday exercise in hot sunny day..march past...Independence n republic day sweet uniform.... 2plots with red ribbon ..
Transition of school bel from manual ( round plate kind stuff with hammer sort) to electric ...8.30 am bus horne...homework notebook n classwork notebook...unit test..monthy test ..half yearly exam,final cards with low mark attimes...
getting parent signature in report card...PT period ..volly ball match..punishments......
School day usualy starts with prayer ..followed by pledge..
India is my country, all Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and I am proud of it's rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents,
teachers and all elders respect and treat everyone with courtesy.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion.
In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness.
and national anthem...
" Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka Jaya He
Bharat Bhagya Vidhata
Punjab Sindh Gujarat Maratha
Dravida Utkala Banga
Vindhya Himachal Yamuna Ganga
Ucchala Jaladhi Taranga
Tubh Shubha Name Jage
Tubh Shubha Ashisha Mange
Gahe Tubh Jaya Gata
Jan Gan Mangaldayak Jay He
Bharat Bhagya Vidhata
Jaye He ! Jaye He ! Jaye He !
Jaye,Jaye,Jaye,Jaye He
It's fresh in my memory our class Q's ( boys n gals) in the prayer ground,,, our class teacher was a malayali lady... she used to take english paper for us..
guess she might noted each n every one in the prayer guy named "Mrithyunjay" never used to say pledge.. after obseving it many times once during one english period she asked that guy y he is not saying the pledge during prayer session,,,
for that his reply was..
'mam in the pledge it states "ALL INDIANS ARE MY BROTHERS N SISTER" ..if i say the pledge then whom i will marry..' whole class started laughing...
after several years passed i still could'nt forgot this if i think about him ..his thought of vision in those day itself was too far..may be he may got married n settled by now..
How thoughtful in depth are you?
Both worked very hard.
After several years, the boss promoted Lee to sales executive but Kim remained a sales rep. One day Kim could not take it anymore, tender resignation to the boss and complained the boss did not value hard working staff, but only promoted those who flattered him.
The boss knew that Kim worked very hard for the years, but in order to help Kim realise the difference between him and Lee , the boss asked Kim to do the following. Go and find out anyone selling water melon in the market? Kim returned and said yes. The boss asked how much per kg? Kim went back to the market to ask and returned to inform boss the $12 per kg.
Boss told Kim , I will ask Lee the same question? Lee went, returned and said, boss, only one person selling water melon. $12 per kg, $100 for 10 kg, he has inventory of 340 melons. On the table 58 melons, every melon weighs about 15 kg, bought from the South two days ago, they are fresh and red, good quality.
Kim was very impressed and realised the difference between himself and Lee . He decided not to resign but to learn from Lee .
A more successful person is more observant, thinks more and understands in depth. For the same matter, a more successful person sees several years ahead, while we see only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365 times.
Think! how far have you seen ahead in your life? How thoughtful in depth are you?
May 20, 2005
Each one of us are a victim of our past. And unless we free ourselves from the past, we can never be free from the present. Therefore, we will never be free in creating a compelling future, which all executives want to create in the workshop. He says, most of us have scars and it is our responsibility to convert them into stars.
In the workshop called LIFE, Corporate Harmony and Creativity at Work, I make the participants to go through understanding, through meditation and through very wise dimensions of thinking. I help them convert scars into stars.
There is a dissatisfaction of the past, which gives us a distaste in the present, which in turn gives us distrust in the future: If this happens, we are going to be miserable in spite of being successful. ' Why there has been a dissatisfaction of the past?' At the end of an enquiry that we are growing individual and as growing individual, we go through failures. We go through ups and downs, which are the seasons of living, he says. Since we are growing individuals, like a growing child falls down and gets up or like a boy learning cycling, falls down and gets up, so to as, individuals, we in the corporate world, are bound to make mistakes in life. If we don't have healthy attitude towards mistakes. If we don't learn from our mistake, then we will be a victim of our mistakes. When we are a victim of our mistakes, instead of being a victor of our mistakes, we are a victim of our mistakes that gives us the dissatisfaction of the past.
Now, with this dissatisfaction of the past, we start living in the present and what happens is, since we have not healed the past by learning, we only complain about our failures. Hence, there is a distaste to the present. When there is a distaste to the present; 'the distaste to the present is like eating a delicious sweet with .the wrapper on'. Most of us are eating sweets in life, but with a wrapper on. This wrapper is like the dissatisfaction of the past, which leads to distaste to the present. What happens when you, as an executive want to create a compelling future, there is a distrust to the future because you are the extension of the past, marching the present and projecting yourself into the future. This is the state of being in misery. You can convert scar into star. When you understand that you are a growing individual, and as a growing individual you are bound to make mistakes, but you have the wisdom that you are learning from the mistake or are not repeating the mistake. If you can learn, the magic of healing from the past happens.
Secondly, if you start meditating, you tiring in a higher Source of energy and that higher source of energy makes you learn from the experience in a very profound way. Mediation is the key to tap you to higher chakras. By understanding, through meditation you heal your Scar and then the scar becomes a star.
People who have gone through failures have depth in life. Whereas, people have never gone through failures, they may be happy, but there is no depth in them. You should be like ocean which has depth and also has the beauty of waves. Therefore, by understanding, through meditation heal your past, which will make you to be in the present. When you can enjoy the present, you are free to create a compelling future. When you are creating a compelling future, you will find the joy of creating a future and there are no more victims of bitterness. This is the secret to become a better individual and not the bitter individual.
May 08, 2005
woman life ?????????????????????!!!
She completed her education got placed in ISRO as Trainee engineer..she was too talented n got banks of knowledge..soon she was was recognized as best employee of the month…On a occasion when she was awarded
Boss:Do you want to be “business woman” in future or want to be “babies mother”
She: I want to be business woman with baby mother too.
Life is running too fast for her ..she was enjoying her official and personal life too with her countable home hunting for groom started..and the day came when the hunting process came to end…
Not surprisingly, she has to leave her current job before marriage as the guy from other place rather then were she was located currently!..
Wedding preparation was going in peek n the day was over,,Packing for the move to the new place started n atlast reached to new location where her hubby was located..she accompanied him leaving her 24 years life aside at her home town..
Her hubby was good to her..he used to take care of her well n love her too much..n too much possessive about her…for him the world is only they both..others don’t have any value there in their world… but still following the old traditional things that the gal shud not go out of home alone ..shud always accompanied by him if going out ..shud be homemaker rather then working woman... Time passed she started to feel suffocated sitting idle in home and feels her literary talent is being strangled.
Time was running she was forced for being a homemaker. Husband, children, cooking , cleaning and sewing take up all her time. Her talent goes cold like a dormant volcano.
Nothing new in this story. One might have heard the words said by some one “One is not born a woman, one becomes one” so often that it has lost its impact, but then we are reminded of these words when a case like above suddenly stares us in the face. Almost all Indian families have their lakshmi,sita,sonia,stella,mumtaz..yeah only name vaires. And ‘thanks’ to science & technology, the sonography machine and the strong urge to have a son, millions of womans have been deprived of their very lives. And the tragedy is that most of us, do not even feel anything is amiss even though we see it happening everyday in our own families. Whether it is our refusal to accept women chant the Vedas or wield the pen we continue to show our intolerant selves in all its ugliness This is in most cases in an Indian family....after reading such things in paper n watching in movies n episodes..i often feel If a gal goes to work is that disrespect of ‘traditional values’?
There are too many Q’s ??????????????????????????????? which can only be answered by let me wait n see what time tells……………….
God's earthly images
There could be umpteen number of days, Friends Day, Valentine's Day and so on, but the mother of all days would certainly be the Mother's Day, a day to honour the earthly images of God.
Internationally, the earliest history of Mother's Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honour of Rhea, mother of gods. During 1600s, England celebrated a day called `Mothering Sunday.' Celebrated on the fourth Sunday of lent days, Mothering Sunday honoured the mothers of England.
In the United States, the idea of Mother's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe (who wrote the words to the Battle Hymn of the Republic) as a day dedicated to peace. Ms. Howe would hold organised Mother's Day meetings in Boston every year.
In 1907, Ana Jarvis, from Philadelphia, began a campaign to establish a national Mother's Day. Jarvis and her supporters began to write to ministers, businessman and politicians to establish a national Mother's Day. President Woodrow Wilson, in 1914, made an official announcement proclaiming Mother's Day as a national holiday that was to be held on second Sunday of May.
Motherhood and India
Is the concept of venerating motherhood is new to India? No, it cannot be.
The land is named as mother India and the epics, Ramayana and Mahabharatha, were set in motion by Rama's stepmother, Kaikeyi, and Pandavas' mother, Kunthi.
Hinduism and mythologies glorify motherhood as mother is placed first before all, even God -- `matha, pitha, guru and deivam.'
Mothers have always been glorified in celluloid. From MGR to Rajinikant to Vijay and Ajith, all screen stars have doted on their celluloid mothers and often shed tears and sacrificed everything to underscore the maternal bonding that has swung from the sacred to the banal on silver screen.
The initial reaction of any Indian is to scoff at the idea of Mother's Day, which is not as hyped as Valentine's Day. But slowly and steadily the day has come to stay in India like many of the western concepts.
Status of women
Though motherhood is hailed, the status of women or rather mother is always put at the least position. The mother gets the least attention and the prime duty of motherhood is to love the children and sacrifice necessities for other members of the family.
Though the online bookings for flowers, chocolates and gifts galore on the net, the card shops in most of the places in India have no special cards or gifts for Mother's Day; perhaps the culture of celebrating Mother's Day is yet to create ripples among the daughters and sons of India.
src :Hindu

She taught me the pure meaning of Love
And to thank the Lord above
She taught me to catch butterflies
She taught me to admire rose
She used to kiss away my fears
And hug away my woes
She tended a beautiful garden A garden of the heart
She planted all the good things that gave my life its start.
A Chef while baking me a cake
A Doctor when tending me my cold
I wonder what she couldn't do
As I kept growing old
A Tailor, A Chauffeur, A Fairy God Mother at times
But never to busy for a child's nursery rhymes
She is what she was and could be none other
My sweetest angel, she is my mother
I Love You Mother !
May 03, 2005
All about love .........!!!!!!!!

To My Friends Who Are........... SINGLE
Love is like a butterfly,
The more you chase it, the more it eludes you,
But if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it.
Love can make you happy but often it hurts,
but love's only special when you give it to someone who is really worth it.
So take your time and choose the best.
To My Friends Who Are............ NOT SO SINGLE
Love isn't about becoming somebody else's" perfect person."
It's about finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.
To My Friends Who Are............ PLAYBOY/GIRL TYPE
Never say "I love you" if you don't care.
Never talk about feelings if they aren't there.
Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.
Never look in the eye when all you do is lie.
The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is to let her fall in love
when he doesn't intend to catch her fall and it works both ways...
To My Friends Who Are............ ENGAGED
The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together but
how good you are for each other.
To My Friends Who Are............ HEARTBROKEN
Heartbreaks last as long! as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to go.
The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them
To My Friends Who Are............ NAIVE
How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble,
be consistent but not too persistent, share and never be unfair,
understand and try not to demand,
and get hurt but never keep the pain.
TO my Friends Who Are............MARRIED
Love is not about "it's your fault",but "I'm sorry".
Not"Where are you", but "I'm right here for you"
Not "how could you", but "I understand"
Not " I wish you were",but "I'm thankful you are"
To My Friends Who Are............POSSESSIVE
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else,
but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.
To My Friends Who Are............ AFRAID TO CONFESS
Love hurts when you break up with someone.
It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you.
But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea how you feel.
To My Friends Who Are............ STILL HOLDING ON
A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love only to
find out in the end that it was never meant to be,
and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it.
If he isn't worth it now he's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now.
Let go.....
My wish for you is a man/women who's love is honest, strong, mature,
never-changing, uplifting, protective, encouraging, rewarding and unselfish
Src: Some fwd
May 01, 2005
Outing to yellow flower field !
The most imp discussion going was about catering ..only FOOD FOOD FOOD..
When proposed plan for outing was going in track , we came to know about the weather forecast.. ahh it will rainy, the day when we had planned to go out…
so to be in safer side planned for alternate idea ,..if it rains..
also as the plan was initiated by me so to be in safer side , I would always leave a note in the mail “ don’t come with too much expectation the place may/may not be great “ ..There was more then 80 mail msg exchange only for this topic...
Proposed day to go for outing came…day started too early for those who were incharge for catering …It was too cloudy from morning..The schedule was to assemble at one spot by 10.30am…Yes peoples gathered on the spot ..though the timing was bit delayed..we are Indians would def follow IST ..he he
As the place was new to all …no body knows the exact way to go that spot..with the direction given by my friend we started ahead…walked for about some meters…could see some board with the arrow upside down and indicating some park..but we did’nt bothered n walked ahead..chit chatting amoung ourselves..after going ahead for few more meters could find that the way we had choosen was wrong..again followed the same path n returned back..then could find the direction…the spot was “yellow flower field” the name given by us as we don’t know the exact name of that started the slogan..” yellow flower field theriyudha na parangappa” ( check if u can find the yellow flower field).. then atlast could find that yellow flower field and reached there..good indeed..could remember “Dil wale dulhaniya” song “ tuje deka tho yeh jana sanam..”…..
By that time we reached the flower feild ,the environment was quite sunny… and there was no trace of rain any more…
As usual common human feeling..”looking for change”..passed the comment” if it would rained it might be better then this sunny day”..
Walked around the field..near by there was river..some busy taking photos..good spot for photography indeed…some busy in chit chatting…
Was jus roaming ..time passed and it was about 12.30 voice came from back..”pasikudhu ppa” ( feeling hungry)…then started to search for some place to have the stuffs …got a place..stopped there had lunch..
Good to eat outside that too near by some field rather in packed four walls..
My guess was many stuffs would be wasted..but my assumption was wrong..almost all things were finished… packed up from lunch . the lunch spot was good to sit for some more thought to play “anthakshri” (song to song competition) ..two groups were made…with the decision the team which will loose have to give treat to all of them..started the it was in tamil I coul’nt get any song..but was jus sitting n listening to times using hands for clapping if the song is good one…
The game was finished with my team loosing it…. Then planned to go to near by park n play shuttle..we started ahead for park..but was not able to trace the near by park..and the place where we were there from morning it was too windy was not an apt place to play shuttle cock…atlast the shuttle plan was canceled..bit was about 3.30 packed to home as some of them have to go to office because of hectic schedule..planing to go to soem other place soon..may be trecking...
Some of pictures captured are here..






Indian Culture !!..??
If we take the case of south they speak tamil in an anglicised accent, as if showing that they struggle to talk tamil in its original form.same is the case with hindi ,telugu ,kannada etc too..
At homes mother tongues is used less compaired to English …n in case of movies it is sleazy in terms of its graphic depiction of female nudity.. Most of the hindi movies now dont have any story at all..
If India is moving in this path then Indan culture will soon loose its existence in few decades .
But there are many things abt Indian Culture that needs to be revealed to the outside world. They are quite awe-inspiring and amazing, but the actual facts need to be unraveled by ppl like us……………………..